The Far Right's Corrosive Politics are Dividing Australia

06 September 2023


Senator Ayres (New South Wales—Assistant Minister for Trade and Assistant Minister for Manufacturing) (13:10): I have a broader contribution to make, but that contribution causes me to reflect on a few other things. There is, of course, a conservative case for yes, and it's articulated by people like the various Liberal state leaders and by Senator Bragg. There is a conservative case for no, and I've listened intently as people like Senator Dean Smith and Senator Paterson have made that case. The problem with what Senator Hanson just said is that it represents the takeover of conservative politics by US-style far-right extremism. That is what she just did here. She's done it over and over again with her friends Mr Mundine and others on the Liberal Party backbench. That articulation is very divisive, very unhelpful and very incorrect. It corrodes the heart of modern conservative politics, which we should actually care about in this place for a healthy two-party government system. That's what people should reflect on when listening to that contribution.